
Friday, February 25, 2011

The Kids Are All Right

Whhooo eeee four Oscar nods Two Golden Globes and yadda yadda yadda. Don't waste your time. Besides jerking exactly two tears out of me when they dropped the kid off at college, it pretty much left me wondering why Hollywood thinks it's so fucking progressive? I spent 2 years living with a lesbian couple who were trying to raise kids 15 freaking years ago in this very conservative county, and nobody got that weird or awkward. The whole damn movie felt forced. Or maybe it just felt like Los Angeles. Blech, I hate LA. Everyone seems so fucking full of themselves. When is Hollywood going to stop congratulating itself on it's own brilliance? If I watch the Oscars it will be because I adore Anne Hathaway and I want to get over the heebie jeebies that James Franco gives me, not because I give a crap who wins. I've seen perhaps 5 of the movies that got nods, so there you go.

Anyway, I have decided that 24 is much more fun to watch on Netflix withouth the ads than it ever was before, so I'm off to get lost in something besides the real political news which is kind of nauseating me these days.

update march 2, '11, ok I give, I keep watching the show thinking that Jack Bauer will develop at least a tiny brain to go with those big balls, but no. And his ditzy daughter the hostage queen doesn't learn either. *sigh* I give up, I'm tired of having my intelligence insulted.

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