
Monday, January 03, 2011

Rove got Assange arrested?

hat tip to Gordon over at Alternate Brain

The Rove/Assange Story Hits the International Press in Sweden

Ok, I'm gonna pout. I REALLY want to see this:

Ok, done pouting. See? I cool off quick.

Soooooo, who's afraid of the big bad wikileaks wolf today?

Bank of America

Oh, no doubt that blowhard Issa will be embarrassed somewhere along the way.

The French Governemnt over the Boeing vs Airbus thingy.

Pesticide companies killing honeybees.

I know exactly why Julian Assange is a threat to the privelidged and powerful and their minions in governments. Nobody that vulnurable to falling very quickly into a pitchfork wielding mob at the bottom of the pyramid that holds them up wants to be exposed. And about 6 ¾ billion people on this fucking planet are about to pick up pitchforks.

Julian Assange is a hero for those of us interested in
freedom of the press.



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