
Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'll let Borowitz help you laugh, I'm still pissed off

Impressed With Speech, Fox Names Obama an Honorary American

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - Impressed by his speech at the University of Arizona last night, the Fox News Channel today took the extraordinary step of naming President Barack Obama an honorary American.

"Let's face it, he's earned it," said Fox host Glenn Beck. "I don't care where he came from, he's one of us now."

Naming President Obama an honorary American was only one of a series of conciliatory moves made today by what promises to be a kinder, gentler Fox News.

A network spokesman said that starting this week, Fox would air one minute of civil discourse every Sunday at 4 AM. More here.

The Los Angeles Times says Andy Borowitz has "one of the funniest Twitter feeds around." Follow Andy on Twitter here.

Lawmakers And The Crazy Laws They Want To Pass In The Wake Of Tucson Tragedy
Jason Linkins First Posted: 01-13-11 06:56 PM | Updated: 01-13-11 08:25 PM

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