
Sunday, January 02, 2011

Atlas Shrugged

Written by a quite insane speed freak who was born in the USSR who blamed the government for all of society's ills. The bitch was deluded by her own selfish sense of self-importance. I am convinced that people who love this book cannot see ANYTHING clearly or objectively even though Ayn Rand fans called themselves part of the "Objectivist movement." Because we all know how logical, well reasoned and objective speed freaks are, right?

Yeah, fucking idiots like Alan Greenspan (who is nothing but a tool for the very rich), are fans of Ayn Rand who called him a social climber. Hilarious since she was nothing but an apologist for the spoiled, selfish navel gazers who need tools like Greenspan in order to continue lying, cheating and stealing from people who actually work in order to remain spoiled, selfish navel gazers.

Now they are making a
movie. How do you make a movie of an unreadable piece of dogshit that is over 1300 pages long?

Jeez, I can't even get through the Spark Notes without rolling my eyes.


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