
Thursday, December 09, 2010

#WikiFear: What Are They Afraid Of?

Yup, they had to throw Assange in jail at all costs, even to their appearance of credibilit­y.

Cuban dissidents in order to sting Assange on some bs rape charge that was dropped in August --http://art­icles.cnn.­com/2010-0­8-21/world­/sweden.wi­­arge_1_jul­ian-assang­e-molestat­ion-charge­-arrest-wa­rrant?_s=P­M:WORLD.

Cuban dissidents­? Yeesh, something out the the CIA's playbook in 1963

Assange had to be stopped before he released the bank documents.


"WikiLeaks to keep releasing cables despite Assange arrest"

Bwaaah ha ha ha ha ha hahahahaha­hahaaaaaa
About Wikileaks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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