
Monday, November 01, 2010

Peddling politics in America

. Midterm contributions soar to record levels in 2010, a sign that the US campaign finance system is tainted as ever
Danny Schechter Last Modified: 01 Nov 2010 18:18 GMT

"...Selling influence

Many are up in arms about the latest wave of "secret money," some perhaps from overseas, including charges in one race in Washington state that Saudi nationals are involved.

Climate Action Network Europe released a new report revealing the effects of Big Business trying to weaken US environmental laws: "Big European emitters … supported climate change deniers in the US Senate in 2010 for $107,200 … This amount is higher than the same type of spending of the most notorious US climate denier and Tea Party funder: Koch Industries ($217,000)."

Overlooked in all the hoopla is the fact that American politics has itself become a business with a vast network of professional fundraising companies, consultants, advisors and ad agencies profiting from the services they provide.

The politicians don't just hire others. They spent much of their own time "dialing for dollars," as one congressman I know well told me..."

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