
Friday, November 05, 2010

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Updated: 11- 8-10 08:22 PM
Olbermann Apologizes, to Viewers Strikes back at MSNBC

Update. Ok I read the updated ThinkProgress and then Josh, refers to the NYT . And then I watched Rachel and posted her explanation of what went wrong.

Ok. Hopefully Olbermannn knew the rules about getting permission from his employers to give political contributions. I still think it's bullshit and I still think if Comcast buys NBC Universal, the parent company of MSNBC that Olbermann and possibly Rachel will get shitcanned because money doesn't want you to hear opposing views. Money wants you to kiss their asses and buy their shit. Holy fuckwads from hell, isn't it enough that the Roberts Supreme court gives big wet sloppy kisses to Big Bidness? And we get no lube. The ISP I use already strangles the bandwith and tiers usage payments
and if they get their way with the Supremes we won't be able to sue in class actions. So NO, I aint changin' shit in the rest of this post.

"While NBC News policy does not prohibit employees from donating to political candidates, it requires them to obtain prior approval from NBC News executives before doing so."

Ah ha, so this is a Pi$$ing contest?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Nation Aug 31, 2010
Who owns the media?

U.S. Court Curbs F.C.C. Authority on Web Traffic
Published: April 6, 2010

The court ruling, which came afterComcast asserted that it had the right to slow its cable customers’ access to a file-sharing service called BitTorrent, could prompt efforts in Congress to change the law in order to give the F.C.C. explicit authority to regulate Internet service.
That could prove difficult politically, however, since some conservative Republicans philosophically oppose giving the agency more power, on the grounds that Internet providers should be able to decide what services they offer and at what price..."

Crooks and Liars Nov 5 2010
What role did Comcast play in Keith Olbermann's suspension?

Petition MSNBC to bring Olbermann back


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