
Monday, November 08, 2010

I am so guilty

of not getting involved:

"...Drawing on a report “Counting on Change in San Diego: Why California’s Future Begins in San Diego’s Immigrant Communities,” which is available on the Foundation’s website, Fanestil told the political post-mortem gathering rather than lurching from one election to the next, dependent on occasional voters, it was possible to build a permanent, solid progressive bloc by focusing on the over 1 million eligible voters in San Diego County who are not registered.

He mentioned the demographics of color in local elections by pointing out that while whites are only 48 percent of the county’s population, they comprise almost 70 percent of its registered voters and a whopping 83 percent of its elected representatives. By using multi-sectional, multi-racial strategies, Fanestil said that a “progressive election infrastructure” which “would sustain itself across elections” would be dependent on leadership development in the neighborhoods. He called “transactional coalitions” short lived..."

My only excuse is that I get irritated with right-wing idiots and their bombastic show of hatred towards anything "librul," and there are a lot of them here in this county. Seriously, you think my disdain for them developed in a vacuum?

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