
Saturday, October 02, 2010

News Corp Gives $1 Million to U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Source:, September 30, 2010

News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, has donated $1 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business lobbying group that was recently accused of tax fraud and money laundering by two national watchdog groups. News Corp's big-dollar donation is the second it has made to Republican interests in recent months. In June, 2010 News Corp gave another $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. The Chamber plans to spend $75 million to influence the 2010 election, making it the the top spender on congressional races of any interest group. The parent companies of other media outlets, like General Electric (which owns NBC) and Disney (which owns ABC), have also made political donations, but in lesser amounts more evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans. News Corp's recent huge gifts to Republican interests raise questions about whether the company has crossed an ethical line.

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