
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Meg Whitman's campaign is toast

Want to know why there are never changes in the immigration laws? Because rich people want cheap, disposable labor, until it becomes a problem in a political campaign of course.

For 9 years the maid worked for her, and for 7 of them she knew the maid was illegal, and Whitman comes up with this bullshit?

"As soon as we found that she was an illegal immigrantwe did what we had to do as an employer, which was to let her go," Whitman said. "But all of the documentation that we had said that she was legal."

Republican hypocrisy on display. Again. Man, I haven't even looked at my ballot, and I just want this election over with. I'm vaguely amused and very cynical every time I see a political ad, and I knew this bitch was going to hang herself from the first time I saw her ads. When one of my friends told me that she liked her I asked her where she got her information from? When she stumbled on the answer I told her to turn off the TV, Google Whitman and wait a while.


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