
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bombing kills 10 women, a child at parade in Iran

"...But Iranian officials quickly pointed the finger at the United States, and the local Friday prayer leader blamed "Zionists."

"As the investigations indicate, the attack has foreign backing," provincial governor Vahid Jalalzadeh told state television. "Unfortunately, the Americans and their allies are in the region. From the first day of their presence and their slogan to establish security in the region, we can see that the unrest has increased."..."

Sure, of course if Miss Lindsay and his buddies ever shut the fuck up, and if the CIA didn't have such a miserable reputation for playing stupid games with Iran the power structure in Iran wouldn't be able to get away with blaming the US. People would see that the Kurds got screwed out of land and power when their territory was carved up and sectioned off into three different countries when the borders were drawn. Obviously not for their benefit. And then there is the fact that many Kurds are Sunni and the power structure in Iran is Shia. So go ahead and blame the US instead of addressing the Kurds' legitimate complaints.

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