
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poll: Growing number incorrectly call Obama Muslim

Thursday, Aug. 19, 2010
By ALAN FRAM Associated Press Writer

Ok, now that we've established that Americans are getting stoopider, let's discuss all that crapola about mosques in New York. I got no problems with mosques, there are at least 16 of them in San Diego. Temples and churches too, lots of them. As long as the nutjobs stay out of my face, no problem.
I'm always chucking that damned Jehovah's witness crap in the trash in the laundry room because they leave it on the equipment. When they come ringing my doorbell, I quickly tell them "I'm not interested, thank you very much, have a nice day," and firmly but quietly shut the door in their faces.
If there are signs that radical Islamism is going on in San Diego mosques, they should be investigated. If they are preaching hatred and violence for this country and it's people they need to be very carefully watched and if necessary deported, or the mosque shut down.

I like this Marci chick, she makes sense:

The Wrong-Headed Furor over the Planned Mosque at Ground Zero: Mistaking a War on Radical Islamicism for a War on All Muslims
Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Mosque Controversy Continues: How a Texas Case Regarding a Sikh Temple Illuminates the Issues
Thursday, August 19, 2010

"...Those Who Oppose the Mosque Based on "Sensitivities" Are Making an Argument Similar to That of Opponents of Cartoons Depicting Mohammed..."

"...While the imams had every right to engage in public discourse against images that they found offensive, they had no right to force the media to remove the images they did not like based on their "sensitivities." That is just basic First Amendment law, as I discussed in a prior FindLaw column. No free society can accede to such demands and expect to remain free..."

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