
Sunday, August 15, 2010

ok ok ok I was wrong

Elites' Democratic Days Are Numbered
Saturday 14 August 2010
by: David Sirota, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

When l Gibbs complained about the professional left my cynical thought processes said to me, "Yeah, ok, the idealists don't want to believe that the sausage making that goes on in DC is a disgusting process." I still think that a little, but the push-back from progressives is happening.

I dunno how the rich (or their rented political mouthpieces ) can think that when they make comments from their ritzy titzy perches in society that can be construed
as whining about having to work or getting bailed out on theirbad gambling debts by the public when they have their multimillion dollar bonuses while more and more of that public are homeless and hungry

Voters Must Demand the Solution
"Voters must demand that Congress uncovers and publicizes facts and prosecutes the financial system's massive multi-year frauds. This will mean thousands of felony prosecutions, enforcement actions, and civil actions."

Janet Tavakoli
President, Tavakoli Structured Finance
Posted: August 15, 2010 10:53 AM

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