
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lab rats

A defense sub-contractor abandons unstable chemicals in Sorrento Valley
Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010
By Dave Maass ( San Diego City Beat )

"...What’s irregular is the reason: The Sorrento Valley facility wasn’t an illegal meth lab or an irresponsible paint manufacturer. The laboratory belonged to Aries Associates, a subcontractor that worked for and leased space to L-3 Communications, a corporation that, according to, wins approximately $35 billion in federal aerospace and defense contracts each year...

"...As eager as the parties are to take credit for the invention, neither seem particularly eager to take responsibility for the chemicals used in the process. It will take the EPA at least another week to inventory the chemicals on site, then they will package them for disposal and then attempt to recover the costs..."


M-I-C makes a big fucking toxic mess and leaves it for the taxpayers to clean up. Fuck me running.

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