
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Retired Top Cops Slam Arguments Against Legalizing Pot

"...In an exclusive interview, the former police chief of San Jose and the former deputy police chief of Los Angeles County — both members of LEAP — took to task those favoring continued prohibition, insisting that both Sen. Feinstein and MADD level an “emotional, unreasoned” argument for keeping pot illegal....

...The main thrust of their argument is that due to the ballot initiative’s wording, officers or other public officials would not be able to take preemptive action against stoned drivers: they’d have to wait for accidents to happen. Much of the argument focuses on school bus drivers, and how they could be permitted to ingest marijuana and transport children, leaving the hands of authority bound until someone got hurt..."

Hmmm, never thought of that, stoned drivers...

OMFG, could they possibly be worse than the assholes out there that are on meth, or hopped up on testosterone or just plain stressed out????? I betcha a lotta fuel gets saved by stoners, and wasted by tweakers. I don't even like pot and I think that it's retarded that it's illegal.

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