
Monday, July 05, 2010

Happy belated 4th?

Still haven't made the trip to the Apple store. Will soon. Let's see what's happening today...

Hmm, can't seem to get away from the Apple store site even though my back is aching from using the laptop on the coffee table and my eyes are bleeding from reading tech specs that only make me more dangerous to a computer's health.

BadTux pointed me in the right direction to start looking, I think. As much as I like the Apple LED displays they are $900 and I already have a monitor that I like. I dunno what it's going to look like after the dvi adapter, but I've been watching Netflix via dsl with the VGA cable so I'm not exactly fussy. My brother made some crack about Chip and Dale creating noise on the line so I don't think paying the phone company any more money will speed it up anyway...

Hmmm, as much as I like the price on the mac mini, I'm not sure it's the one for me. Husband says ok to whatever I want (he bought me my first reliable car and I've had it for almost ten years now) so I might as well get what I want, huh? The kid's gonna inherit it anyway and her macbook was a worthwhile investment.

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