
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Comcast and NBC Universal

Gawd, I've been a bad politicky blogger lately.

FCC Requests Input On Comcast, NBC Universal Deal listen

Showdown in Chicago over the Comcast-NBCU deal
Posted on Mon, Jul. 12, 2010
By Bob Fernandez
Inquirer Staff Writer
The activist group Free Press published a full-page "wanted" poster in a Chicago alternative weekly for no-show Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski and has been blasting out e-mail alerts about Tuesday's public hearing on Comcast Corp.'s proposed deal to acquire control of NBC Universal Inc.

The event in Chicago, hosted by the FCC, promises lively political theater over media consolidation issues with five hours of testimony from supporters and opponents of the $30 billion Comcast-NBCU deal and two hours of "open microphone" public comment.

Senator Al Franken doesn't like it.
"Franken has become the lead voice opposing the merger of NBC and Comcast, a position Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are only happy to cede him given his first-hand experience in the entertainment industry and as a former NBC employee."

Economic worries cast a cloud at media conference
By ANDREW VANACORE (AP) – 3 days ag0
"In past years, the ground work for some major deals has been laid here, including the pending takeover of NBC Universal by cable TV provider Comcast Corp."

Comcast knows how to play the pork game:

"Perhaps you recall $40 million to Philly-based Comcast in Ed's first term. He's paid by Comcast as a football analyst. His forever adviser David L. Cohen is a Comcast vice president. And we're asked to believe that the monster cable company (it bought NBC last December for $13.7 billion in cash and assets) would leave its hometown starving if it didn't get a slice of the public pie."

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