
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I voted

Update - results
and analysis from KPBS
Yeesh, Rethugs actually vote in primaries, Gawd there are a shitload of those assholes in this county. I sure hope it looks better in
November. I'm irritable. I've been listening to those goddamned motherfucking jet engines power up all fucking day and my car alarm keeps chirping. I'm at least 5 miles from the airbase, it's pissing me off.

After using a local publication's cheat sheet , looking here and here and here and here and using Google I still needed to talk to my friend about a few things, and I had a wonderful time visiting with my friend. Here is a progressive voter guide from Courage Campaign.

Absentee ballots can be turned in at any county polling place, and I just heard on KPBS that something like 43% of San Diego voters are permanent absentee voters. The station has election information
here . You can find your San Diego county polling station here .

I was disgusted at one of the slick ads I found in my mailbox yesterday.

It was a yes on 16 ad which I promptly shredded, as I have done with all of the mailers I've received this election season.

As of May 25, 2010, utility company Pacific Gas & Electric has given $41.1 million to the campaign for a "yes" vote.

I didn't vote for the Mercury insurance thing either, and with glee I marked my ballot for someone other than Mr. "you can tell an immigrant by the way they dress."

Democracy is a good thing, though, so I voted
yes on 15 , it looks like a step forward in getting rid of so much money in the politcal system.

And one more thing -- Meg, Carly and Poizner can kiss my ass, I was fed up with their nasty campaigning months ago.

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