(Mother Jones)
What unites the Vatican, lefties, conservatives, environmentalists, and scientists in a conspiracy of silence? Population.
Yeesh, at least somebody has the nerve to write about it. If more people read this kind of stuff the doofs would quit asking my why I DON'T want to be a grandmother. Would I be a bad one? No, I'm not a bad mom, nor was I completely ecologically illiterate. In fact, I've always recycled because I was poor, I couldn't afford new stuff. I used cloth diapers when diaper service was affordable and the kid never got butt rashes.
Anyway, people like these dumb fuckers who just keep squirting them out are stupid.

I don't have any patience left for with stupid people, especially bible-thumping fucktards. My disgust is amplified when the idiots are politicians who restrict access to family planning in this country.
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