
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Piece it together

I've only been reading non-fiction since September 12, 2001, which is why I get a bit impatient with article titles like Chris Hedges' Why the Enlightened Liberal Class Is Complicit in the Country's Downward Spiral.

I just roll my eyes and think "Duh, no shit, buddy! Who is NOT complicit?"

See, I've been trying to figure out what is behind the news for years now. I take it in now with 4 authors' writings in mind; John Perkins , Naomi Klein , Greg Palast and most importantly, Chalmers Johnson .


Because these 4 authors not only understand shit that I don't, but they can explain the who, what, where and why it is important for me to understand what they write.

Here is a great new interview with Johnson that I happened to miss while I was attempting to escape into TV series on Netflix.

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