
Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday squirrel blogging

Here is a pic from before the idiot with the weed-eater drove me nuts for 3 days straight and made this place look bleak again. There is a new litter of critters, which brings me back to population concerns.
Mojo has a population forum.

Why Is Population Control Such a Radioactive Topic?

I found this 20 minute video fascinating.

PBS Frontline The Carbon Hunters:
On the trail of the climate's hottest commodity
Watch Video & Share Your Reaction

Let's say I have been living in the Brazilian rain forest for more generations than I can document.

Then let's say some big American corporation wants to pay me, and everybody else who lives in that particular part of the forest a dollar a tree per year if I protect the trees, so that the big American corporation can continue to pollute.

I have kids to feed and the
Pope was still sticking his nose into my (70% Catholic) country's business three years ago.

Then let's say an illegal logging operation wants to pay me a thousand dollars a tree.

Have we done the math yet?

Now back to being the non-hypothetical, non-Brazilian me.

I bought a table cloth and six cans of spray paint and looked at my husband in disgust when he asked my why I didn't just buy a new kitchen table set. Spray paint bad? Yes. Brand new furniture worse in my opinion? Yes. Pfffft. Men are so stupid sometimes.

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