
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Okee Dokee. I wanted to see this because Kathryn Bigelow is the first female director to win the Oscar , right, and then there's the best picture thing. I thought they would explain to the audience where the title came from:

The title is a colloquialism for being injured in an explosion, as in "they sent him to the hurt locker ",[6] or for "a place of ultimate pain".[7] It dates back to the Vietnam War, where it was one of several phrases meaning "in trouble or at a disadvantage; in bad shape."[8]

Response among veterans

Right, you don't have to be a vet to know that the three man team, split up and playing cowboy was ludicrous. I had to remind myself to suspend disbelief.

I thought they might incorporate this into the story but they didn't:

(USA Today 2005)
"One enterprising EOD soldier recently came up with the idea of using a remote-controlled toy car to deliver tiny blocks of C4 plastic explosive used to blow up IEDs. The tiny radio-controlled cars, which can be equipped with video cameras, are much less costly to replace or repair than remote-controlled robots."

Right, we didn't see the toy cars, or the $5,000 BomBots. in the movie. I'm tired of searching for a cost range for robots similar to what is seen in the movie. The spec ranges are wildly variant, but from what I could quickly find, pricing appears to begin at $100,000, a lot more than a toy car and a lot less than medical and psych treatment for a soldier injured in an IED explosion. I suppose today is as good a day as any to watch this movie, but today...

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq. On March 19, 2003, the United States began dropping bombs on Baghdad as thousands of US forces poured across Iraq’s borders. Seven years later, the occupation continues. In that time, over 4,300 American soldiers have died. Many thousands more have been wounded. As many as 650,000 Iraqis have been killed, with the number of wounded unknown.

Meanwhile, Iraq is suffering the worst refugee crisis in the world today. According to the United Nations, more than 4.2 million Iraqis have fled the country, many of them to neighboring Jordan and Syria. Another 1.9 million are internally displaced.

And we're in the hurt locker and Iran is stronger in the region. Bitchin'

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