
Sunday, February 14, 2010

the MSM sucks donkey dick

Fear Inc.

Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 5:25pm, February 14, 2010.

Hold Onto Your Underwear
This Is
Not a National Emergency
By Tom Engelhardt

Mmm hmmm. And why do they feed us all this garbage about terrorism? Because they make money carrying the water for some rich fucks who make money roping the government into buying very expensive anti-terrorism shit that is protecting us from....



drunken idiots on the road?


tobacco use?


an incompetent buffoon underwear bomber.

Update 1:21 PM 2/24/2010
“The Media-Lobbying Complex”: Investigation Exposes Undisclosed Corporate Ties of Network Political Pundits

A four-month investigation into the covert corporate influence on cable news found that since 2007 at least seventy-five registered lobbyists, public relations representatives and corporate officials have repeatedly appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, CNBC and Fox Business Network with no disclosure that they are paid by corporate interests. We speak to journalist Sebastian Jones, who carried out the investigation for The Nation magazine.

yeah, like I said.

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