
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If I were nicer

I might not be hoping that

Darth Cheney would croak this time.

Unfortunately, just today I was reading about a kid who was stationed here locally who died from lung cancer after 4 months at 25 years old. The kid didn't smoke. His parents didn't smoke.

Darth Cheney couldn't wait for KBR to get contracts in Iraq. KBR is being sued by over 300 people who's health has been seriously affected by the burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. So I wonder if all the war casualties from both sides of the conflict are worth anything to Darth Cheney other than financial profits that he scooted out of the country?

If there is a hell I hope he burns in it. He sure doesn't care who or what he burns in his quest for financial gain.

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