
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

American on Purpose

by Craig Ferguson

I am a big fan of Craig Ferguson, I think he's hilarious on The Late Late Show , so I knew it was only a matter of time before I bought and read his autobiography American on Purpose.

It was going to be a gift for my neighbor who recently got her citizenship, but that's not going to work. She's such a foofy girl I think she would act shocked. It's hard to say if she really would be shocked, but I think for her kid's sake I'll get her something pretty and feminine. I don't mean foofy in a negative way, she's really nice, it's just going to be a baffling and miserable shopping trip for me. She's from a country that alcohol is illegal in, and she's still learning English, so the book would probably be a bit baffling to her.

I love the book, Craig Ferguson is really funny, and unlike me, a good writer.

I will probably read "Between the Bridge and the River," by Ferguson also.

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