
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Learning new things

Tamales. Pollo con mole (chicken, vegetables and mole). Puerco (pork with chile colorado). Dulce (sweet masa with nuts, raisins and sprinkles). My kid brought home the industrial dorm germs from hell so I am sick. I don't touch the tamales once they are done. I think this batch will bring the total to approximately 340, but I'm so delirious I'm not sure. I never knew what the big deal was about tamales. Now I know. I snuck into the kitchen at 4 Am the other night and I must have looked like a starving street child as I scarfed that thing over the kitchen sink.

My friend Annie is a great teacher, and she's quite amused at my efforts. Needless to say I fear I may never be an expert at the whole spreading the masa on the corn husk thing. No doubt I look as doofy as I feel, but laughter is good.

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