
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chasin the Xmas blues away

Ok ladies and gents here's the scoop. Christmastime sucked big time at the old Nunya house when she was growing up. She's sort of tried to change some things so that it didn't suck for her kid. Wasn't always successful but she's here to tell ya that this year she's going to try even harder and is in the process of letting Anne's irrepressible holiday cheer teach 'ol Nunya some newer, more improved tricks.

Nunya is going to learn how to make tamales this year, and food always makes Nunya happy :). Even more important Annie is going to teach Nunya how to spread holiday cheer instead of being Grinchina.

So wish Nunya luck, new adventures are always a little scary, but it's off to a bright new world, eh? Nunya has complete confidence in Annie, who happens to be all that and a bag of chips. Especially when it comes to teaching people how to be cheerful.

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