
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Supreme Court decisions affect YOU

So first of all, I don't get why the Obama speech to a joint session of Congress will get more air-time, but oh well, I don't get why local newz will cover some dead gang-banger and not a Supreme Court decision that will affect 300 million people, not just Hillary Clinton.

This fucking lizard brain thinks that
corporations should have more "free speech" rights. You think they control the political message now? HA. This will be Sotomayor's first case as a Supreme Court Justice. Wanna bet that she passes the rich fuck's first test? You think Puerto Ricans have rights? Pffft.

Yes I do understand why the Obama speech needs to be covered and since he's a great orator, I love to watch him. I dunno why the media whores keep saying how much they need "bi-partisanship?" They don't. What they need is to separate the corporate money from the congresswhores.

I hope that some of the right-wing fucktards get a clue, but they probably won't listen to him if they do watch him, so ginned up on hate spew from Hannity, Beck, and the other corporate funded msm whores. So stupid they refuse to see that the highly paid corporate media whores get them to vote against their own best interests.

Big Business's Hidden Hand in the Smear Job on Van Jones
By Adele M. Stan, AlterNet. Posted September 8, 2009.
"...The strategy is simple: Prey upon the worst fears of the right-wing folks who live next door in order to get them to organize against their own interests..."


Update 4:21 PM 9/19/2009
Gordon at Alternate Brain draws attention to a comment that the WSJ
picked up on regarding the original court decision on corporate personhood. I'm still a bit skeptical, being that judges put so much stock in precedent but I'd like to hope for a new precedent on an old case, or no new powers given to corporations in the current case.

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