
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Darrell Issa's town hall meeting on health care

It was obvious before I even found a parking space that someone had gotten the word out and I soon found out who that was-- Rick Roberts, local AM hate radio wing-nut.

Or it might have been stump-speech-on-a-stick himself. I dunno.

Waiting in line the way in I heard the lady behind me say to her friend "So how did you hear about this?" Her friend answered "I got a call, personally inviting me." Hmmm, I went with my sister, who happens to be one of his constituents and she didn't get a call. Maybe it's because there is a D on her registration rather than an R?

All I know is that I never want to be in the midst of that many sheeple who will spread their cheeks out of sheer stupidity again. They politely applauded while he didn't answer question after question. God what a weasel he is. He made sure to give about a half dozen shout outs on tort reform, that's always good for Republican sheeple applause. He babbled on for a bit about cash payers being billed more than insurance ever pays. No shit Sherlock. Who created that mess, insurance agencies?

I laughed out loud when he went on about how drug companies spend billions testing and then getting the OK from the FDA to get a drug out on the market. No mention of settlements like this.

He's also really good at droning on until you totally forgot what the question was, you're just happy he quit babbling. It didn't really matter, it seemed most of the people who spoke or asked questions (some obviously rhetorical, it was a wing-nut love fest with no guns, that's illegal here) like everyone had made up their minds before they got there that HR 3200 is positively evil, but nobody knew why. Seriously, nobody could point to anything specific in the bill, they just hated it. Why? They are sheeple. They think what they're told to think and they do what they are told to do.

No mention of a public insurance option.

At all.

I guess Ricky must have been filling the sheeple's heads with noise about a public option being what? Unpatriotic because it might give a few greedy insurers a run for their money? Might crimp the profits of insurers?

I almost felt sorry for one woman who almost pleaded with him to tell her she wasn't a hypocrite for not wanting Obamacare because she already had Tricare and Medicare.


I'd make a lousy politician because when she pleaded "Am I a hypocrite?" I said loudly "Yup!" Jesus fuckin Christ lady, you know you're not gonna get the truth at a place where a bunch of sad and sorry rethugs have gathered to have thewe poow widdle bwuised egos salved. Issa weaseled out of the question.

Damn, what kills me is nobody ever mentioned the three trillion dollar war when they talked about a balanced budget. At one point he mentioned $500 a month for health insurance. I wonder if that's his cockamamie bill that offers the health insurance options of Federal employees to everyone, but the government doesn't pay for any of it? I pretty much drove my sister crazy by mumbling not quite loud enough for her to hear me the whole time. I need a shower, I don't like being around people who wear Buck Ofama shirts and mobilize minors to wave signs about a bill that isn't even finished being written.

Fuck it, let's thump these assholes at the next election ALSO.

NC Times says 3,000 people were there, but wait, it says 1500 in the gym and that would make it 1500 outside. I don't know where the fuck they are talking about, but there were NOT 1500 people outside where I was, there were 300 people outside, max.

And here's the fishwrap coverage. One sided as usual.

Update: Wow, I'm glad the drama was in LA and not here. I'm short tempered at times and if "Buck Ofama" lady had punched me in the face, knocked me to the ground, continued to holler at me while pointing her finger in my face, I might have bitten her finger off too.

Hmmm. Sure looks like the loudspeaker I saw above the gym at the Issa event.


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