
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So, nobody ever accused me of having good taste

But even the politickybitch has to take a short break from politics and be entertained once in a while. I do not know who is playing, but I love this song.

I finished Hollywood Station. It was a nice little romp to places I don't want to be, around criminals and familiar with police officers. My friend and I agreed that we just like to fly under the radar, no cops, no criminals in our lives. I like Wambaugh because he writes about cops as people, as fully fleshed out characters. Cops put up with a lot of crap, and this book is newer than some of the stuff by Wambaugh that I've read recently. It was written after the fallout from the Rampart Scandal, and released after this scum-sucking piece of shit won an Oscar. No, I haven't seen the movie. Why should I? It doesn't look like entertainment to me. What I read and what I watch for entertainment are two entirely different animals.

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