
Sunday, August 23, 2009

I need more

I'm so bored with the liberal political bloggers stating the obvious. Stating what anyone with any common sense knows. Talking to each other about how fucking stupid the bullshit lies on Fox news are. Constantly warding off blows by the Congresswhores and MainsStreamMediawhores. Bitching about Sarah Palin instead of ignoring the stupid ass distraction that she is.

I don't want to get involved with campaigns, that's the same old 'who's the richest sheikh in the neighborhood' shit. I want the system changed. I want the money OUT of politics. I want to see everyday people with a vote that fucking means something. I'm fucking tired of the cash from multi-national corporations and people who's families haven't worked in six fucking generations on mah tee-vee newz trying to blow smoke up my ass by blathering on that this a Democracy and my vote means something. Bullshit, they know god-damned good and well that they can get what they want, no matter what "the little people" want.

What I want is the kind of change I was hoping for when I voted for Obama. Yes, I know what he's up against, I'm not some starry-eyed naive kid.

Here's the thing.

The world is tired of our crap, and I don't fucking blame them. Our shit stinks.

Let me know what you think "our shit" is, I'd like to know what you think it is?

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