
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hmmm. The White house has not given up on the public option.

And on to Health Care.

MSM proves again what whores they are.
Notice how they keep quoting Republicans. Guess what? Fuck the RepugnanThuglicans, they are not in power, they lost.

Now, the Congresswhores the Health Sector needs to pay are Democrats. Fuck me. Representative Democracy my ASS. Who the fuck are the Congresswhores representing? I'm a Democrat and Max Baucus does not represent me. He represents who pays him, and that includes Big Coal and the Health Sector

‘Nothing Has Changed’ for Public Option
Posted on Aug 18, 2009

White House / Pete Souza
Press secretary Robert Gibbs called the media’s determination that the president had abandoned the public option “one of the more curious things I’ve ever seen in my life.” Is this a case of spin or spine? Read Gibbs’ entertaining back-and-forth with reporters (full text after the jump) and come to your own conclusion.

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