
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bin Laden son 'killed in US attack'

I hope so. Is that vicious and vengeful?
Hmmmmmm. Ask me if I care?

These stupid wars are costing a damn gazillion bucks, the American people gotta get some satisfaction out of them. I don't even know how many dumb twits squirted out brats for that asshole OBL, let alone how many brats he has. Obviously I don't give a crap, or I would have researched it. One less is fine with me.

Oh, I am in a mood. I love Samantha Who? These lines were fabulous;

"Your dress is so pretty." Sam.

"Thanks. Yours is too." Bitch ex-wife.

"You homewrecking whore." Bitch ex-wife.

"...Thanks, I got it on sale." Sam .

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