
Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday squirrel blogging, and climate change that won't affect the rotten little rodents

Proposed climate bill a breath of fresh air
David Greising
June 26, 2009

China welcomes U.S. climate bill, says more needed
Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:56am EDT

Wow, I find the title of the above article a bit ironic since

China blames pollution for surge in birth defects
The government's acknowledgment of the problem is a victory for environmentalists, who say the rate of defects is highest in coal-producing regions.
By Barbara Demick
February 02, 2009


US scientists believe that as much as 25 per cent of the air pollution in Los Angeles comes from China.

And finally as long as we are talking about pollution, might as well throw in the most dysfunctional part of the US budget, and the worst polluter on the planet -- the US Military.

The farm lobby vs. the global warming bill
The agriculture lobby's fingerprints are all over a crucial bill aimed at fighting global warming.
June 26, 2009

Rep. Broun receives applause on the House floor for calling global warming a ‘hoax.’
...Broun’s tired hoax claims aside, Broun’s $3,100 talking point is contradicted by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that that the average cost of the legislation would be only 48-cents a day, the price of a postage stamp,...

Media reported conservatives' high cap-and-trade cost estimates, but not lower CBO number
June 23, 2009 3:52 pm ET

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