
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Religion sucks #18

Paraguay's president caught in triple paternity row
Former Roman Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo has admitted fathering one child and hasn't denied the other claims

* Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent
*, Thursday 23 April 2009 17.54 BST
* Article history

Bonus: Muslim stupidity in the UK

I want to know why "religious" Muslims in Western countries only raise a stink about civil rights and scream racism and religious discrimination when it's convenient for them? If observing their religious traditions is that important maybe they should quit trying to make business harder to conduct in the Western country that they're living in and go live in a Muslim countries? Oh yeah, that's right, there are no jobs in Muslim countries .

I wore some really ugly uniforms that I didn't like wearing, but I needed a job. Helloooooo?

Ummmm, yeah. I have questions. Why isn't the Vatican irrelevant by now? Why isn't Mecca irrelevant? I could go on, but I think you got my point, and obviously there are some wealthy people who still find some use in the structure of these silly organizations and their middle class enforcers.

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