
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunday morning musing

I woke up three times this morning with a headache. I didn't drink any alcohol and I'm drinking water like crazy. What is this? I rarely suffer headaches or aches and pains of any kind, really.

Anyway, the third time I woke up I was thinking of this article:

Friday, February 27, 2009
Denmark: Higher risk for infant mortality among Pakistanis, Somalis, Turks

...Pakistani, Somali and Turkish immigrant women in Denmark have a higher risk for stillborn children than Danish women, according to a new study by the University of Southern Denmark...

When I read this, I thought of the usual suspects, lousy prenatal care, lousy diet, poverty, ignorance, but this I did not expect:

...In Denmark, 40% of Pakistani couples are relatives....

So my head aches and my stomach is roiling. That is disgusting.

This is completely unrelated, and I don't know what search term brought it up, because I was looking for more than one source in English of the previously linked article. I didn't find it, but I'm completely fascinated by the following essay because I don't get the whole Jew hatred thing. People are people.

Editor’s note:

The following essay was originally published in the Hebrew journal Alpayim in 2005 and provoked an intense public debate. Its author, the renowned Israeli novelist A.B. Yehoshua, undertook a demanding task: to decipher the most disturbing riddle of Jewish history, to analyze and describe the quintessence of antisemitism in its various historical and cultural incarnations. Yehoshua’s thesis disputes the general intellectual consensus on antisemitism, which denies that there is any single or unique root to the phenomenon. He asserts that it is the unique structure of Jewish identity which has given birth to the venomous reaction of antisemitism—and he offers a way out of this impasse. Yehoshua’s position has outraged many but also given them much to think about. AZURE is proud to present an English translation of this essay, which embodies Zionist thought in its most daring form.

Azure no. 32, Spring 5768 / 2008
An Attempt to Identify the Root Cause of Antisemitism
By A. B. Yehoshua

A prominent Israeli author gets to the bottom of the world`s oldest hatred.

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