
Saturday, March 28, 2009

A must read by Glen Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald
Saturday March 28, 2009 09:02 EDT
Jim Webb's courage v. the "pragmatism" excuse for politicians

...And, most important of all, Webb is addressing head-on one of the principal causes of our insane imprisonment fixation: our aberrational insistence on criminalizing and imprisoning non-violent drug offenders (when we're not doing worse to them). That is an issue most politicians are petrified to get anywhere near, as evidenced just this week by Barack Obama's adolescent, condescending snickering when asked about marijuana legalization, in response to which Obama gave a dismissive answer that Andrew Sullivan accurately deemed "pathetic." ...

Yeah, I winced when Obama did that.

I also can't figure out for the life of me why Obama is turning more power over to the federal reserve.


Neither can someone who wrote a book about the Fed.

And why are the foxes still guarding the hen house?

Trust Your Guts

The bankers think we are chumps said in February by former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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