
Monday, February 16, 2009

California's GOP lawmakers should do the budget math

George Skelton:
Capitol Journal
To avoid raising taxes and still balance the books in Sacramento, you'd have to virtually shut down state government.
George Skelton, Capitol Journal
February 16, 2009
From Sacramento -- The math seems pretty simple. But apparently it's too rigorous for many Republican politicians.

To avoid raising taxes and still balance the books in Sacramento, you'd have to virtually shut down state government.

In order to pass a state budget we need 2/3 of the legislators to vote for it. According to a head count, one more Republican is needed to vote for it in order to get it passed, so that's holding up the vote

I wonder if any of these idiot Republicans wants a foster child, but no money to take care of the child? The obstructionist assholes make enough to do it without compensation, fuck 'em.

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