
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Anti-Empire Report

February 3rd, 2009
by William Blum (I've read Killing Hope, and some other stuff too)

Change (in rhetoric) we can believe in.

hat tip to Left I on the News

Why are you still here? Click on the title link. This guy knows the history of American foreign policy, and no, not the crap they try to shove down your throat in your basic high school American History class.

The War on Terror is a Hoax
By Paul Craig Roberts
February 04, 2009
...If America were infected with terrorists, we would not need the government to tell us. We would know it from events....

...Yet, the neocons, who are the Americans most hated by Muslims, remain unscathed.

The “war on terror” is a hoax that fronts for American control of oil pipelines, the profits of the military-security complex, the assault on civil liberty by fomenters of a police state, and Israel’s territorial expansion...

...The great mystery is: why after 60 years of oppression are the Palestinians still an unarmed people? Clearly, the Muslim countries are complicit with Israel and the US in keeping the Palestinians unarmed...

The truth. It's chunkylicious today. Chew on that fer a spell.

For more on the Byzantine politics of the Middle East and the West

read Treacherous Alliance By Trita Parsi

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