
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ok now it's Christmas.

This was a table top Christmas tree that was around a foot tall and half dead when I planted it six years ago. My husband is pooped since I made him throw the lights over the top from the roof, and mess around with a broom. I managed to stand on top of the ladder close to the trunk inside the branches and mess around with a sponge mop. It ain't perfect and it's a far cry from the Candy Cane Lane that I and my helpful neighbor drove through tonight, which had Sponge Bob and Disney Characters eveywhere, but it's Christmas and I like it. I managed to poke my eye with a needle and I don't know how you do that with glasses on, but I did. It was mildly uncomfortable for a while, but it's OK now. I managed to score a thirty dollar tree for inside the house for ten bucks and got 3 sets of 300 lights for twelve bucks. My little table top tree that had a half dozen lights on it now requires at least thirteen hundred lights. (close to four hundred feet)


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