
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Damn GOP thieves

Can the GOP Steal The Election Again? You Betcha!

Blogged by Brad Friedman on 10/7/2008 1:11PM
AUDIO: Head-to-Head with the GOP's Hans Von Spakovsky, Vote-Suppressor, Liar
Brad Takes on the Unapologetic Democracy-Hater on Tavis Smiley's Radio Show
PLUS: Taking on John Fund, Another GOP 'Voter Fraud' Scammer, on the Radio, the Following Day... (scroll down for audio clip)

And about that debate tonight...

The Caucus.
October 7, 2008, 2:25 pm
Axelrod Says Obama Will Counterpunch if McCain Raises Ayers
By Patrick Healy
NASHVILLE — Senator Barack Obama is prepared to hit back, including with Keating Five scandal if necessary, if Senator John McCain uses tonight’s presidential debate to attack him over his associations with controversial figures like former William C. Ayers, the former Weather Underground leader, Mr. Obama’s chief strategist said this afternoon.

And if they mention clean coal tonight, just know that at this time, there aren't any clean coal plants in the US right now. Follow the Coal Money

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