
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bush to privatize/computerize GI Bill

Listen to this.

Did turning the VA Hospital supply system over to a private defense contractor's computer system work?




Maybe for the company that made money
in the GWOT.

Interesting how someone on the board is also on the Federal Reserve Board.

Wonder how that
investigation is going?

It's not uncommon for some of the war profiteers GWOT defense contractors to screw the taxpayers out of services have
offshore tax havens.

I don't know which companies are bidding on the latest plan to fuck up privatize a government program that works for the people, or whether any members of their boards are on the Federal Reserve, but I'd bet on it.

The ABC cheerleading for the McMooseturd ticket is bullshit.

They didn't cover the conventions fairly.

Who the fuck are they taking advertising money from?

Do you really think that they will ask Your question for Sarah Palin. ?

What's the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists?
A theocrat is a theocrat, whether Muslim or Christian.
By Juan Cole

Oh Jeeeezus. Compare the above article with the useless fluff that TIME makes sure everyone sees while they're standing in line at the grocery store.

Compare the links in the articles. TIME refers back to itself. Juan Cole uses a variety of sources.

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