
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Let's have the truth about illegal immigration please

Escondido tries to rid itself of undocumented immigrants
By Anna Gorman, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 13, 2008

Immigration sweeps, driver's license checkpoints, city codes and proposed policies add up to an intentionally hostile environment.

NO, Read the comments , the opinions are all over the place, but most people who actually have to deal with the consequences of it, rather than benefit from it, have had it up to HERE with illegal immigration.

The ability of politicians who pander to big business make me want to vomit:

Andrew Ysiano, publisher of the Stockton-based Latino Times newspaper praised Villaraigosa for his ability to grasp the needs of immigrants and the poor while governing the nation's second-largest city."It's a difficult thing to do . . . and he's done it well," said Ysiano, who is a Republican.

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