How about fleas?
Rigidly Male-Dominated Societies Are Violent; The U.S. Is No Different
By Riane Eisler, The Wip. Posted July 11, 2008.
Until people (including progressives) stop thinking of "women's issues" secondary, the U.S. will continue on its path of poverty and war.
...For both the mullahs in Iran and the rightist-fundamentalist alliance in the United States, "getting women back into their traditional place" in a "traditional family" has been a top priority...
Rice hopes Iran will change course in Geneva talks
Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:34pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Friday the United States would not soften its refusal to negotiate directly with Iran until Tehran gave up its nuclear program.
In a change of policy, a senior State Department official, William Burns will attend nuclear talks in Geneva along with other major powers to hear Iran's response to an incentives package offered last month. Previously, the United States did not participate in such meetings with Iran.
Crackdown focuses on arms smuggling from Iran
By ROBERT BURNS – 1 hour ago
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq (AP) — U.S. forces in Iraq are launching a new crackdown on weapons smuggling from Iran, in part by tighter monitoring of border crossings, a U.S. commander told The Associated Press on Friday.
Hmmmmmmmmmm. We'll see. I wonder what they will be discussing in Tehran? This guy, maybe? I hope the talks are effective, but I'm not holding my breath.
A little background from an Iranian scholar, educated in the US
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