
Monday, June 02, 2008

The MoJo Interview: John Cusack

Interview: The former Lloyd Dobler banters with MoJo editor Clara Jeffery about his movie War, Inc., her inner 16-year-old, and what it's like to still be Gen X's favorite antihero heartthrob.

May 28, 2008

Hmmmm, ya think we'll ever get to see War Inc. in San Diego?

Bwaaaa Ha ha hahahahahah.

When Cusack was making his teeny-bop weirdo/hero movies I was working in the bowels of the already vast, overblown, overpaid military-industrial-complex. I wasn't overpaid, hell the outsourcing was outsourced. No security clearance. Shit jobs. Shit pay. No piss test needed. I was cute. Somebody would slide their card for me if I needed to go somewhere.

Now you don't get past the lobby without fingerprints, palm scans, eye scans, voice activation or some other nifty security measure. Not to mention the ubiquitous cameras.

Some shit never changes, though:

Indefensible Spending
Posted on Jun 1, 2008
The Joint Strike Fighter program is expected to cost taxpayers $300 billion. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England, who penned an infamous Defense Department memo, is seen above hawking the plane.
By Robert Scheer
This Op-Ed was originally published in The Los Angeles

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