
Sunday, May 11, 2008


got my attention a few days ago, and I'll be honest, it was because he was slamming Amy Goodman. I like Democracy Now and I listen or watch at least 3 times a week. The show covers stuff that the msm doesn't bother with, even if some of it is uber-esoteric or over-the-top activism (for shit that doesn't amount to squat in my life) for my tastes. Well this Max Keiser dude impressed me because he actually replied in the comments section (I don't see a whole lot of that at HuffPo) and one of the little gems he left in there was this one. Unfortunately I'm not quite sure what to do with this information because you could fit my financial expertise on the head of a pin, despite my suffering through two years of business classes. I was happy to add Mr. Keiser to my blogroll and I will be checking out Karmabanque to see if I can learn a little more about how it works.

I also loved this post from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brendan DeMelle today.

Unearthed: News of the Week the Mainstream Media Forgot to Report

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