
Monday, May 26, 2008

Sick of Hillary vs Obama

This is bullshit:

Remark About RFK Keeps Clinton on the Defensive

Her Aides Say Obama Campaign Has Exploited Statement
By Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 26, 2008; Page A04

I've about had it with the Hillary Haters--- RFK Jr. ain't that pissed off about what she said.

AND I've had it with the people who seem to think that Obama is some sort of fucking messiah. They make me want to shake them while screaming, "Hey!, Snap out of it, he's NOT going to be able to clean up the mess in four years that the M-I-C made over a sixty year period!" He's got important things to deal with. Like...

Oil: A global crisis
The Iraq War means oil costs three times more than it should, says a leading expert. How are our lives going to change as we struggle to cope with the $200 barrel? Geoffrey Lean reports
Sunday, 25 May 2008

Obama is not a miracle worker. He's walking into a big fat shit storm. Kunstler gives us some history that goes back way before even the M-I-C started consuming oil.

Chalmers Johnson talks about bases and oil and gas.

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