
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Marked Increase In Pregnancy Discrimination Claims

---A Marked Increase In Pregnancy Discrimination Claims and Other Key Developments Illustrate the Continuing Struggle of Pregnant Workers:
Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns
By JOANNA GROSSMAN Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2008

EEOC statistics show that pregnancy discrimination complaints have increased dramatically in a number of recent years, increased forty percent over the last decade and increased fourteen percent in just the last year. (Charge statistics are available at ). Though the birth rate declined over the past decade,pregnancy discrimination charges were among the fastest-growing category of claims with the EEOC. These statistics are consistent with anecdotal reports from women about their experiences of being fired, demoted, or otherwise treated adversely because of pregnancy.

Pregnant man says bearing child a "human" desire (Gee, ya think? Could be why there's almost 7 billion people on the planet.)
Tue Apr 1, 2008 11:42pm BST
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A transgender man who kept his female reproductive organs despite his transformation is now five months pregnant and will appear on Oprah Winfrey's television show, the talk show said on Tuesday.

Um, it's not on her site Anybody see him on the show?

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