
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84

Published: April 6, 2008

Charlton Heston made a crapload of movies, most of which I studiously avoided because the stepmonster was a fan of his. I only watched The Omega Man in the last couple of years because my friend said it was a good movie. I tried to like it. (update: my friend said he never said that). I saw all the Planet of the Apes movies, but who didn't in the 70's?

Ok, so call me weird, I've been called worse, but the two movies that he was in that had a lasting impact on me were
Soylent Green (I was twelve, OK?) and Bowling for Columbine . When I saw Bowling for Columbine I was just discovering how much politics actually affected my life and the Heston scene sort of made me feel sorry for him. I kind of wanted to protect the old geezer from the truth about the whole Reagan Revolution thing.

then again maybe not. Where the hell was his handler?

OK, enough seriousness. Doesn't this blogger just come out and say what we're all thinking?

Heston Dead; Coroner Can't Pry Gun From Cold Dead Hands
Sunday, April 06, 2008

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