
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Gonna catch some heat for this one

Posted this in the online class last night. I'm going to catch shit from the Republicans in the class for this one, I can see it coming. I don't give a shit, these people need to know a little bit about who they're voting for instead of just voting for the candidate with the R by the name, which is what the brainwashed doofs do. It's like they can't think, they just cling to a daddy figure and do what daddy told them to do.

It's a beautiful day and I want to go play with my friend so I'm slacking on the blog. Sorry.

[Note; to open link in new window use R click]

If one cannot specify precisely who or what constitutes an “elite” why do political scientists use the term?

In a word; Power. It refers to those who rule. The term ruling elites is commonly used. and commonly understood to mean the people who really have the power as any quick Google search will turn up.

I believe that is what political scientists are referring to when they use the term “elites.” They mean the ruling classes. According to this documentary there is The American Ruling Class. I haven't seen the documentary. This evening, however, I was a bit alarmed to find out that Presidential hopeful John McCain comes from a family that might be termed the military elite and he is endorsed by Rapture-seeking elite leader Pastor John Hagee. Despite his media created image, McCain is no maverick.

Page 93 (Roskin/Berry) in the text states that “Political scientists call the top or most influential people in a political system its “elites,” the people with real political clout. Also that “Much of political life consists of struggles, often out of public sight, among and within elites to control the country’s direction. Typically, the masses then follow.”

The restructuring following the collapse of the State Socialist system in the former Soviet Union is being studied and reported on by the IPSA Research Committee on Political Elites because of the major changes in International Political relations that this has spurred.

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